„Darvėja“ ltd was founded in 2013. Company engages in snail processing and production of Burgundian snails, snail meat, snail caviar and snail slime. We supply a great demand of products derived from the snails coming from Lithuanian farms and forests. We have a great team of people working in our company who put hard work and passion into the final product.

We are given a European veterinary numberLT 71-03 and work in accordance with HACCP food safety program, which allows us to produce high quality products in compliance with all European requirements. Our company also produces Helix Aspersa Slime Extract for skincare line production which has been sertified by organic certification organization ECOCERT.
The breeds of snails we deal with are:
Helix pomatia: Escargot de Bourgogne
Helix Aspersa Muller: Petit-Gris Escargot
Helix Aspersa Maxima: Gros-Gris Escargot
Our facilities are located in a small suburban Lithuanian town called Seduva